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The Uneek Mix-Up

Monday, March 14, 2011

Charlie Sheen Taking Back His Luxury Trailer.

As Heard In The Video, This is Operation Greyhound . Sheen shows plans of the event, and also finding his originally written scripts.

1 comment:

  1. TheLateKnightWarlockMarch 15, 2011 at 9:32 PM

    i doubt it will be accepted by mainstream media. they are the trolls he is speaking out against after all. but i agree... more people need to hear his word and truly understand the meaning of #WINNING! its more then just a catchphrase. its a a way of life and as soon as you adopt it you'll feel the warlocks power and understand why he feels the way he dose and speaks in such a way that gives the trolls what they want and the true warlocks what they need. i fully believe the man is a profit and those that choose to accept him will benefit from his words.
